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Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Rosmy Sundr
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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Harald Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:16 pm

A pretty random idea I came up with. Have your dead poor comrades not only get ran over by a few hundred zombies, but make them feed on him! It would stop the zombies, but they would regenerate health. Might be hard to implement however. As I said, a highly random idea, not high priority, just a small snipit. :grin:

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Rosmy Sundr Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:16 am

Perhaps NPC's might be scripted to lure/feed in certain events? I'm curious what would be the cost of death in SD. would you just respawn in the lobby? If that's all, I could see a turtle/decoy class of players intentionally distracting mobs with their corpses just to advance their team mates for later gain.

I think if anything, fallen comrades out to "turn" after a certain period into walking dead as well... unless sufficiently dismembered. Then again... you would need a ghoul sprite set for each armor type if you were to have players zombify. Anybody ever get around to doing an armor mod for F2 Lenny?

Remember, friends don't let friends become flesh craving zombies... A true friend would make sure to crush your skull first.

A "desecrate" function might be a useful thing to have, especially if zombied allies are particularly stronger than normal zombies.
Rosmy Sundr
Rosmy Sundr

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Amarok Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:38 pm

They will not be "turned zombies" there.
Because of technical issue (graphical) but of gameplay too. It ha not be thinked this way.

There is no "NPC's life" planned yet, NPC will be "animated" by script, sure.
If it could change with time, it would be probably in lastest version.

About the death cost, it is pretty simple.
As you said, players come back to the HQ (lobby) and cannot return to a map where they died before.

The SD core is about coop, so we carefully avoid all thing that can be used as an exploit/grif.

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Izual Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:02 pm

What Atom said. :wink: Also, after death you will only be able to keep a certain weight of items (depending on a skill, the more %, the more you can keep after death). In addition to this inventory loss, there's the time loss: first days (real time = game time) in a map aren't very challenging and thus not very rewarding too. More days survives = more experience earned, etc. so not being able to return to the "mission" where you died will really be painful :-(

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Warder Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:57 am

- Zombies feeding on dead bodies -
It sounds very good idea to me, if there will be mechanics to stop only minimal number of zombies, not whole pack. It will slightly help horror feeling, because nobody wants to get eaten :confused:
It would stop the zombies
Couple of zombies feeding on the body will camp it for some time, making harder to access the inventory of dead player. If things going this way, i would add my suggestion - make such zombies ignore players until they come really close to the body (temporarily reduce FOV radius to 1-2 hex maybe).
they would regenerate health
Well, if not more than ~5 HP per minute.

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Izual Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:27 pm

It's hard to do because we don't have proper zombies animation for this. It would look silly :/

Couple of zombies feeding on the body will camp it for some time, making harder to access the inventory of dead player.
No, when you die you keep your inventory and you are teleported to a map where you have to chose which items you keep. After that, you're teleported to lobby. So there's nothing to loot on dead players' corpses.

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Nick Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:21 pm

No, when you die you keep your inventory and you are teleported to a map where you have to chose which items you keep. After that, you're teleported to lobby. So there's nothing to loot on dead players' corpses.
That's nice.(the PK won't exist).But technically speaking the feeding zombies idea,not too nice.
But if the "corpse" will stay a bit more in the same place it should look like minigun bursted. Whith no arm and a bit of flesh disapeard

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Harald Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:38 pm

Nick wrote:
No, when you die you keep your inventory and you are teleported to a map where you have to chose which items you keep. After that, you're teleported to lobby. So there's nothing to loot on dead players' corpses.
That's nice.(the PK won't exist).But technically speaking the feeding zombies idea,not too nice.
But if the "corpse" will stay a bit more in the same place it should look like minigun bursted. Whith no arm and a bit of flesh disapeard
Izual said there is no PvP (Other players can't be shot as far as I understand).

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Zombies feeding on dead bodies? Empty Re: Zombies feeding on dead bodies?

Post  Amarok Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:11 pm

Yes, but "disabling PVP" is not enough to prevent grief. So we take care about friendly death cannot be profitable for other.

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